Asset Tracking
7 Common Problems of Construction Organization Without Asset Tracking Software

7 Common Problems of Construction Organization Without Asset Tracking Software

7 Common Problems of Construction Organization Without Asset Tracking Software

The construction industry is one of the oldest, growing, and active industry in the whole world. As the construction work is related to industrial and commercial but without asset tracking software you may face several problems.

If you are into the construction industry, then you must have faced issues such as missing assets when its needed most, asset failure at the crucial time, etc. In this blog, we are exploring some of the most common hurdle construction industry.

According to financesonline, in 2019 the top challenges construction industry is facing is a shortage of skilled labour, which is 67 percent. More than 30 percent of employees lack confidence.

Frequent Issues in Construction Company without Asset Tracking Software

Also Read: 7 Questions to Consider Before Getting Asset Management Software

1. Using the spreadsheet method

Old & traditional methods for asset tracking can be a wasteful work procedure. Specifically, in the construction industry.

For instance, if a task supervisor is simply utilizing a spreadsheet saved locally to their work PC to track devices, equipment, assets. Then other team individuals won't be able to access the information they required.

Therefore, the spreadsheet method is not a foolproof method for asset tracking, on the contrary, it is prone to errors. As a result, overall productivity decreases.

2. Equipment Theft

Thousands of dollars can be saved if proper asset management is done. Asset theft or misplacing asset is very common in every industry.

If we speak about a construction site there is very low security or no security at all. It increases the chances of employee stealing. This also means anybody can enter the working-site and stole assets (tool, equipment, vehicle, etc.).

Equipment theft impacts the business in many ways! The daily operation affected, and the project is not done on time. It directly impacts productivity. Most importantly it affects the company's bottom line.

3. Safety Issue

In our last blog, we have mentioned some terrifying numbers regarding employee safety concerns. The construction industry is well-known for being one of the most dangerous work fields.

Unfortunately, there are lots of accidents that take place on a worksite compare to any other industry. The worst part is that these injuries and accidents could be avoided if correct precautions are taken & correct software is used.

These tragedies occur because of several reasons. Such as the absence of communication of safe work practices and failing to accomplish these safe practices efficiently and not using any tracking software.

For safety, a construction organization should focus on making the asset maintained via asset tracking management software. You will be able to track the asset's usability status.

Tracking the maintenance and when it is performed at regular intervals. Then it will provide a more secure environment for your employees. It will also reduce insurance costs as you are taking precautions to avoid accidents & injuries.

Also Read: How Bluetooth Technology (BLE Beacon) Helps in Asset Tracking?

4. Downtime expenses

Assets and equipment which are missing have a very awful effect on a company. Lost labour hours, work stops, and project development delayed. When the required asset is not found then they become inefficient. They will just wait around until substitute asset arrives.

If a worker waits for 5 minutes and you have a crew of 100. This means your organization lost 500 minutes per day. In simple words, you are losing your development business valuable work hours.

5. Lack of skilled employees

Not just the construction industry, several industries do not give any training to their employees. As a result, there is a shortage of skilled employees.

This is one of the biggest common mistakes made by an organization. They do not provide the training to the employees. Assuming that, the workers do not need training. This assumption can cause issues in the future.

In order to grow your business, training should be given to employees about asset management software & how does the software work especially the maintenance team. Because the worker of the maintenance team can provide great help in urgent & critical situations & when they are more skilled, they can find solutions easily for tough problems.

6. Maintenance & unexpected breakdown

Equipment maintenance is one of the oldest issues in the construction industry. Here is an example, the work is going on at a full swing and suddenly the machine halts and the works stop. This is the classic case of unexpected breakdown & as a result operation hindrance occurred.

When equipment is in good condition it will perform better and productivity increases. It is responsible for running a smooth operation. Also, it will save from an unexpected breakdown.

However, you may need a separate team to look out for these activities and how they will maintain the equipment. With the assistance of Asset tracking software, it provides all the information about equipment or asset.

It also keeps records of each asset, for instance, it can inform you when was the last maintenance done. When it needs the next maintenance. You can schedule maintenance activities without interrupting daily work.

In the absence of asset tracking software, it might be possible to face some consequences in revert of careless decisions. Some of them are production loss, rescheduling of whole projects, material wastage from resources that have not been used yet, over time of labour because of downtime, disposal of machinery and equipment before the end of its useful life.

7. Problem in productivity

According to the PlanGrid, there is only one percent of growth has occurred in the last twenty years in the construction sector. That's very obvious! When there are several issues that can be noticed in almost every organization & still no action is taken then productivity decreases.

The above number is the wake-up alarm for the construction industry. If the construction organization wants to enhance productivity, then the first step will be implementing asset tracking software in order to grow business.

Also Read: 8 Evergreen Asset Tracking Software Benefits That Helps Business


Construction companies do not want to face all the issues listed above. Instead, they want benefits & perks.

However, problems will remain there until and unless a solid solution; asset tracking management software is not implemented.

In order to grow your business and avoid these issues asset tracking software is mandatory. It will boost your bottom line and provide several advantages to your organization.

If you need any assistance or have a concern, you can always contact us. We will happy to help you out!

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