What are the Advantages of Asset Infinity over ERP systems?

What are the Advantages of Asset Infinity over ERP systems?

What are the Advantages of Asset Infinity over ERP systems?

Everyone was hit by a global pandemic that changed our lives in a way we never thought of. All the organizations took the challenge, turned everything into online mode, and conducted their businesses while adapting to different changes. Even before the pandemic mobility and the ease to do any work were slowly building up. Employees needed more flexibility in terms of work, and with a major shift, all of this happened eventually.

Assets were being managed by self-audits. With a major shift, we now see organizations leading towards mobile applications for managing their assets, no matter where they are in the world. For companies whose offices are spread across the world, it became easier for them to maintain their assets by creating one database for all the assets in one place with the help of Asset Management Software. This gave a clearer picture and also reports on which one can rely.

With a change in the working style of the companies, now the number of assets or say Fixed Assets that they need to track, increased. Because of the real-time data updation, the communication based on that data has also become more accurate and worth it.

In this blog, we will understand how Asset Infinity is the best for your business. Let us dive right in!

Features that you must look for in Asset Management Software:

Keeping in mind the industry that you are working in, the competition that you have, the kind of assets that you use, and the kind of tracking you need, you need to decide which Asset Management Software is the best for you.

Generically, two of the most important factors that you should look for are Flexibility and Customization. Asset Infinity’s Asset Management Software is very flexible, we even have a mobile application which you can use no matter where you are in the world. It also comes with the maximum level of customization that you can think of. Fields can be customized according to your need so that you get exactly what you want. The reports can be customized too so that you be able to focus on what is important.  

When there is the right flow of communication in the whole organization that too with accurate data, the stakeholders are being benefited, as there is a lot more accountability like this. The idea of Real-time data that Asset Infinity offers is a huge advantage if you use it smartly. It makes the whole process of auditing easier and more accurate, as you are making edits on a real-time basis. Through this process, you can identify ghost assets and eliminate them so that you have the most accurate data.

Asset Infinity’s Asset Management Software:

Asset Infinity provides which at this point is used by a large number of organizations in various industries. Our software is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud Services. The uptime guarantee provided in this service is up to 99.9%, which any organization would love to have. Because of this and many more brilliant features, this software is used by various verticals of different organizations throughout the world.

Asset Infinity helps you to track all the assets of your organization that are linked to the system at any given point. It does not matter where your assets are located at the moment. And this tracking is real-time based. All the data is even stored in the cloud, which leaves no loose ends.

Preventive Maintenance, Depreciation Calculation, Asset Tracking, Asset Auditing and a lot more are offered by this software, replacing all the traditional ways of doing this with an automated system that requires minimum human interaction.

A few elements that you must focus on when you come across Asset Infinity:

Cost Effectiveness:

A major part of any organization goes on planning, management and maintenance. When all this is taken care of backed with preventive maintenance to stop the risks beforehand it is the best place that you can be. Always compare the input-output ratio, will you be investing and getting results accordingly? If yes, invest.

Adaptability of the software:

Every business is different in one way or the other. It is very important to find something will is adaptable enough according to your business. To check this, you can check if the software is customizable available in the software.  

Alert Notification:

Asset Infinity’s Asset Management Software is very secure. It is available with an alert notification generation feature. It is very easy to define reminders and escalations for any kind of transaction.

Capture Geo-coordinates (Latitude/ longitude) of the location:

It is possible to track the location of your asset on a real-time basis with the help of Asset Infinity’s Asset Management Software. Make sure assets are at desired locations, if not you can allocate them to the desired destination.  

Barcode/ QR code/ RFID tag generation:

With the help of Asset Infinity, you can track any kind of asset using different tags and codes. Be it Bar codes, QR codes, RFID and whatnot. These tags can be customized too for your requirement. The tags can be designed and printed in the system.

There are many other reasons to choose Asset Infinity over other ERP Systems. Asset Infinity is also available in mobile apps for more mobility and flexibility for the user. One can easily perform audits with the help of this software, identify ghost assets and eliminate them. Optimized reporting is also a feature of this software.  


The cost of the application keeping in mind the number of features it provides and the way it can be customized, the cost is very low. Keeping in mind all the points mentioned above one must book a free demo with Asset Infinity and see things changing for them positively. This is the time for you to do it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is cloud-based hosting available in Asset Infinity’s Software?

Answer: Yes, the application can be hosted on private or public cloud

Can picture of assets can be uploaded on the system too for more feasibility?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to upload pictures of assets with date and time for maximum coordination.

Is it possible to optimize the reports in the system?

Answer: Yes, it is possible to optimize the reports according to the need.  

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