Asset Management
How Does Asset Management Software Help To Work Remotely?

How Does Asset Management Software Help To Work Remotely?

How Does Asset Management Software Help To Work Remotely?

Work from home has come to be in vogue these days. Work remotely is becoming the norm of the times. Working remotely defines a contemporary working style where professionals have to contribute outside of their traditional work environment.

Employees are able to execute their projects and even surpass their goals from wherever they want by working remotely. Many employees have leveraged fully the advantage of working remotely as they are able to balance their personal and professional life quite effectively.

There are notable benefits for employers too with employees working remotely, like:

  • High productivity
  • Cost-saving
  • Engaged employees

The ongoing pandemic has thrown up some important lessons for all of us.  Everyone has realized that a disaster of this magnitude and reach can occur without any forewarning signs and wreak a dramatic impact on everything. We have seen how in the past few months how the world has adapted to working remotely, except of course for the frontline fighters on the field.

However, working remotely comes with its own challenges too. These challenges do not include the widespread health and safety measures for people, social distancing, medical isolation and so forth.

The challenge we are highlighting here is with respect to the information technology sector which covers hardware, security, connectivity, capacity, bandwidth, software licensing not to forget the non-technical considerations of an organization.

How Important Is It to Work Remotely and Doing IT Asset Management?

Today organizations use more computing devices than ever before for their operations. These are not only the ones present in the workplace but also the devices that are actually out of office premises and out of the office network in the remote work management environment. Besides, there are also the plethora of peripherals such as monitors, keyboards, wireless access points, and printers.

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Organizations that have traditionally deployed desktop devices for the employees are now looking to switch to virtual desktop technology as a quick solution to enable employees to work remotely on their personal devices. The hardware supply chain companies are geared up to deliver laptops and mobile devices that are being shipped to employees' homes.

For those organizations who can secure supply, the challenge is to provide the devices at employees' homes away from the office networks.

How likely is it for an organization to use a solution like an asset management software to enable this capability? Does the organization have the required licenses and skills to execute this? How quickly can it mobilize this technology? The questions keep assailing the management!

Importance of IT Asset Management to Work Remotely

  • Detect and record complete hardware and software inventory
  • Periodically scan computers to have up-to-date data
  • Manage software licenses and track software usage statistics
  • Group similar software and manage their licenses as a single unit
  • Detect and auto-uninstall prohibited software
  • Set alerts for changes in hardware or software and receive automatic updates via email
  • Extract comprehensive one-click reports on hardware, software inventory, and license compliance
  • Create customized licenses according to client's requirements.

How Does IT Asset Management Work in Condition Where Employees Work Remotely?

Managing IT assets in organizations where employees work remotely is catching up, with staff being urged to follow these steps, while implementing asset management software:

  • Sign out and track all IT assets that are being taken home from the office. IT assets shall not be allowed to leave office before its accounting to track its every movement.
  • Ensure firewall and passcode protections for accessing company systems. Organizations and agencies with proper plan and strategy are likely to scale more to accommodate a shift in traffic from the workplace to work remotely.
  • In digital work from home, there is requirement from employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) on the data they get to access outside the office. Data is much more critical than the IT assets in which it is contained. Vital company information is at stake and the NDA requires employees to take accountability for the data and information they are working with.
  • Provide knowledge and training sessions to employees about how to responsibly manage their equipment and the company data. Companies should also prohibit the use of organization IT assets on public Wi-Fi networks such as coffee shops and fast-food restaurants.
  • Monitor employee data use and other remote practices with software for monitoring remote employees. This ensures productivity and data security while working remotely.
  • Organizations have to implement Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) practices. The longer someone is out of the office, they carry on company business on their personal smartphone, computer, tablet or other BYOD asset. If the employee's contract or policy language does not give data rights to the organization, the IT asset manager needs to make an addendum giving the rights to the organization. The employee may own the device, but the work-related data is owned by the company.

Organizations that have employees already working from home for the first time before asset management can be introduced should consider if these recommendations can be implemented.

How Cloud Asset Management Benefits in Working Remotely?

Cloud Asset Management

Cloud asset management stores the data online (server) run application (from server) on your system without installing the software.

Organizations use cloud-based computing to avoid costly infrastructure and to enhance functional efficacy. It offers the facility of centralized storage of data on the internet. So, that it can be accessed from anywhere on any device that has a web connection. On top of that, it provides data security also.

As people nowadays have their cellphone and tablets at all-time readiness, it is so appropriate to leverage it for asset tracking and asset management purposes and to manage them. The app feature of asset management software is very simple and user-friendly. It is therefore high time to move on to cloud-based technology and manage the assets and inventory effectively.

Also Read: What Is Mobile Maintenance Software? How It Can Be Helpful in Terms of Asset Management?


It is very important to keep track of the company's assets continuously especially when they are out of your site. Working remotely is a great benefit reaper due to the following factors:

  • Pocket friendly
  • No hefty electric bills
  • No employee's transportation bill
  • Nature friendly, saving all office paperwork

Remote working throws up questions revolving around your assets as to how they are working, to whom they are assigned and all such information.

Here, cloud asset management will help you a lot, giving the advantage to monitor the status, condition and location of your assets on a one-view solution to help stay on top.

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